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Diabetes:  Your Complete Exercise Guide.

Diabetes: Your Complete Exercise Guide.

Paperback. By Neil F. Gordon. More than 11 million people in the U.S. have Type I or II diabetes. Most of them are unaware of the real physical payoffs they can achieve by making exercise a part of their routine. Diabetes: Your Complete Exercise Guide provides a safe and sensible exercise program that will help people with diabetes control their condition and improve their health and physical fitness. This is an excellent guide for people with diabetes and the professionals who work with them. Diabetes: Your Complete Exercise Guide shows how exercise is a vital part of diabetes control–together with good nutrition and proper medication. This book explains what exercises and activities are most beneficial for increasing flexibility strength and aerobic fitness for people with diabetes. Readers will find: • a clear explanation of the types of diabetes and their treatments; • essentials on tailoring an effective exercise program to fit the capabilities of people with Type I or Type II diabetes; • guidelines for safe stretching strengthening and aerobic exercise; • four complete exercise programs (for walking stationary cycling jogging and the Schwinn Air-Dyne); and • a unique Health Points System to help exercisers maintain motivation and gauge their progress. The Health Points System helps people with diabetes monitor their long-term exercise progress. Points are received for levels of exercise and workout intensities as shown on the Health Points Chart. Exercisers then tally their points each week to determine the effectiveness of their efforts. This unique system keeps them involved in their recovery maintains the motivation to exercise and minimizes the risk of injury. There is a Health Points Chart for each of the four exercise programs described in the book. A chart for many additional aerobic exercise activities is provided to add variety to the exercise routines. Diabetes: Your Complete Exercise Guide also addresses the special needs of people with diabetes by providing information on • how to measure blood-sugar levels to avoid adverse reactions • methods of preventing hyper- and hypoglycemia for exercisers on diabetes medication • adjusting diet and insulin regimens to exercise intensity and duration • proper foot care • the warning signs of cardiac complications • steps to take in case of a hypoglycemic attack • how to avoid late-onset hypoglycemia after exercise • components of a pre-exercise medical exam and • how to monitor heart rate during exercise. Diabetes: Your Complete Exercise Guide offers a safe and effective exercise program that will set people with diabetes on a lifelong course of improved health and fitness and will help them control their condition. This book is part of The Cooper Clinic and Research Institute Fitness Series–the first series to provide an exercise rehabilitation alternative for people with chronic medical conditions. Other topics in the series include arthritis chronic fatigue breathing disorders and stroke.

Code: 873224272

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